Please contact "pod", a group of professionals
who have mastered the art of drone photography.



This website is operated by Hakuhodo Product’s Inc.Please read the Terms of Use below carefully before using the website.

1. 著作権について

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.


2. 商標について


3. ウェブサイトに関するお問い合わせ

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  3. 3.


  4. 4.


4. リンクについて

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  3. 3.


    • 当社またはその関係会社、それらの役員または社員を誹謗中傷するサイトからのリンク
    • 公序良俗に反するサイト等、当社の信用、品位を損なうサイトからのリンク
    • フレームリンク等、当社ウェブサイトの明確性が損なわれる形のリンク
    • 当社と何らかの提携または協力関係にあるものと誤認を生じさせ、または当社がリンク元のサイトを認知もしくは支持しているとの誤認を生じさせるリンク
    • その他当社が不適切と判断するリンク
  4. 4.


5. アイデア等のご提案について


  • 送付いただいたアイデア等に関し、当社が秘密保持の義務を負わないこと。
  • 送付いただいたアイデア等に関し、当社が検討、評価、採用等をする義務を負わないこと。
  • 送付いただいたアイデア等の全部または一部と同一または類似の商品・サービス等が、当社から発表・公表された場合であっても、当社は送付されたお客様やその他第三者に対して、対価の支払いその他いかなる責任を負わないこと。
  • 送付いただいたアイデア等を当社が自由に利用できること。あわせて、それらのアイデア等に関し、著作権その他いかなる権利等を行使しないこと。

6. 個人情報の取扱いについて





  • 豊洲オフィス(大代表)
  • TEL:03-5144-7200
  • 受付時間:午前9時30分~午後5時30分
  • 採用等に関するお問い合わせ窓口


  • TEL:03-5144-7207
  • 受付時間:午前9時30分~午後5時30分

1. Copyrights

  1. 1.

    All copyrights concerning our company’s website, and individual sentences, photographs, images, music, voices, and other creative works which are posted on our company’s website (hereinafte collectively referred to as the "Contents") shall belong to our company, original authors, or other right holders.

  2. 2.

    Except for printing and storage of the Contents for personal use and for other uses authorized by the Copyright Act, acts such as reproduction, public transmission, alteration, and removal of the Contents, as well as reprinting on your website without obtaining permission from our company, original authors or other right holders are prohibited by the Copyright Law; therefore, please contact us and obtain permission in advance. Please note that there may be cases in which our company will refuse your request for use of the Contents, if any portraits, creative works or trademarks of a third party are included, or if our company determines them to be inappropriate.

  3. 3.

    When using the Contents upon permission of our company, please show the copyright notice as specified by our company. Without prior permission of our company, no alteration or deletion of the copyright notice is permitted.

2. Trademarks

The right concerning our company’s website and individual trademarks, logo marks, and trade names which are posted on our company’s website shall belong to our company or individual right holders. Since the use of the Contents without obtaining the permission of our company is prohibited by the Trademark Act etc., except in the cases permitted by the Trademark Act or other laws, please contact our company in advance and get permission from our company.

3. Inquiries regarding Our Company’s Website

  1. 1.

    Our company does not guarantee whatsoever the Contents on our company’s website, and information provided on other websites, etc., (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Contents etc.") including the accuracy, usefulness, and reliability of the Contents etc. Our company shall assume no responsibility for any damages caused by the use of the Contents etc.

  2. 2.

    Our company may modify or discontinue the configuration of the website, terms and conditions, URL, and the Contents etc., without notice.

  3. 3.

    Our company may suspend or terminate the operation of the website without prior notice.

  4. 4.

    If you wish to withdraw the case works posted on the WORKS page, please specify the reasons for withdrawal, and contact us at the address below. Our company will examine your withdrawal request. There may be cases where we may not be able to notify you of the result of our decision

4. Links

  1. 1.

    Our company will approve only links from the website that relates to businesses and operations of our company, subject to our company's prior consent. You cannot set up a link to this website without obtaining prior consent from our company even if your website is related to our company's business. If you want to link to this website, please contact us in advance.

  2. 2.

    Any websites other than those of our company, which link to or are linked from this website are not under our company's control. Our company assumes no responsibility for any contents of these websites and any damage caused by the use of these websites.

  3. 3.

    The following types of links and any other links with such risks are prohibited.

    • Links from websites that slander our company, its affiliates, or their officers and employees
    • Links from websites that undermine our company's integrity, such as websites that are offensive to public order and morals
    • Links that may ruin the clarity of our company's website such as Frame Link
    • Links that may lead to misrecognition that they are in a partnership or cooperative relationship with our company, or our company recognizes or supports the link source website.
    • Any other links our company deems inappropriate
  4. 4.

    Our company may request you to delete such links even if our company once approved the links mentioned in 3 above

5. Proposals of Ideas Etc.

With regard to advertising and communication, our company is conducting our original research and development, planning, formulation of strategies, etc. As a general rule, our company does not accept ideas, memos, drawings, concepts, and other proposals concerning new technologies, designs, advertisements, marketing, etc., offered by the general public, except in cases where our company has given notice thereof to the general public. If proposals were made by the general public despite our company’s policies mentioned above, please note that our company considers that the ideas etc., were submitted upon acknowledgement of the following points.

  • Our company shall not be subject to the obligation of confidentiality regarding submitted ideas, etc.
  • Our company has no obligation to study, evaluate or adopt submitted ideas, etc.
  • Even if products or services that are the same as or similar to all or part of the submitted ideas, etc., are announced or made public by our company, our company will not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the payment of consideration or any other liability to customers or other third parties who submitted ideas, etc.
  • Our company shall hold the right to freely use submitted ideas, etc., and shall not exercise copyrights and any other rights concerning these ideas, etc.

6. Handling of Personal Information

The handling of personal information complies with our company’s personal information protection policies.

Contact Us

For inquiries about Hakuhodo Product’s Inc., please call the ntumbers below.

General Inquiry Contact

  • Toyosu Office
  • TEL: 03-5144-7200
  • Reception hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    (excluding weekends and holidays)

Inquiry contact concerning recruitment

  • Person in charge of recruitment
  • TEL: 03-5144-7207
  • Reception hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    (excluding weekends and holidays)